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Trees in bud

I look out over a copse and a lumber yard. One is in flux, the other Groundhog-like.

St Eustace. Mixed media on A4 Ingres paper. The crucified Christ appeared to him between the antlers of a stag he was hunting. Here the vision is only his and the messiah is entombed or in the throes of rising.

Prof Donald West has described me as a classic Narcissist; well, that means every image is me, both the vision and the visionary here. I do like adding gold to pictures and have just bought mica gel to experiment with.

Finding specific sources for pictures is sometimes impossible, even for me looking back and concentrating. It is a mish-mash and a hotchpotch. I sometimes work out sub-conscious referencing after the event.

I so miss the possible trips to the Cass Art flagship store in Islington, but often spend far too much; though the worst overspend was in Utrecht in Philadelphia. Bet the clerk went home to tell his family that a mad Englishman spent over $400 on stuff. Well, it's so much cheaper in the US!

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